Friday, February 4, 2011

Sun is shining

The sun is shining today and it almost feels like spring... right until you step outside. But I know spring is coming soon (am I jinxing it if I say that?)

So here is my shirt that mixes brown and a turquoiseish  blue (soon you'll find that I love ( i really mean live for) turquoise.) I like this shirt because the vertical stripes are flattering (yay!) and I always like square neck tops. I matched the earrings and my ring (as you can see I blew it up like mega-huge.) 

Apt. 9 Top - $?
Turquoise ring - $15 
Turquoise dream catcher earrings - $7

nice to meet you. :)


  1. I also love turquoise and I even have those same earrings I bought from your store! Love it!

  2. Thanks!! Turquoise is the best! Especially for us brunettes! :)
